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Essentially J:D meditates or focuses on the person that the drawing is intended for. following his guidance throughout creating the picture. It is often that the images literally appear to him on the paper. J:D simply highlights and outlines them to be readily visible to those not accustomed to “seeing” in such a manner.
Your Spirit Drawing is created with the intent that it will resonate with you. Ultimately the energy channeled in the Art that is most important. With that in mind, it is very likely that what you see in the picture will continue to change with time as you walk your path and your perception or circumstances change. Because of this, the energy like a crystal or other divination tool, goes beyond your initial interpretion, it is what you find in your drawing that is most important. "When viewing your drawing, if you “think” you see something, instead of looking closely in attempt to find the lines which create the image, simply take it as your “message”. This prevents your conscious mind from limitting or "boxing in" what the picture, or energy is able to convey.
More on Spirit Drawing. . .
Matted in black to a standard frame size.
Easy to frame!
Spirit Drawings are created in black or grey charcoal on white paper.
Prices on Spirit Drawings may vary when created on location, at fairs, expos, and other events.
Online will most always be the lowest price.
Spirit Drawings are generally completed and shipped in 2-5 business days.
Time frames may very dependent on demand and event schedule.
There is not currently a set return policy regarding Spirit Drawings, however we do make every effort to remain flexible.
Original Intuitive Art created for you personally!
A reading, metaphysical tool, and original personalized Art work in one!